
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

"before amen"

You are probably familiar with the writings of Max Lucado.  Everywhere I go and get in a conversation with someone about spiritual things, especially the articles, websites, or books which they have recently read, Max's name comes up.  The popularity of Lucado's  books is evident, regardless of what the sign says on the church you attend. 

The latest of Max's publications is a book about prayer, "Before Amen," and has become the talk of the Christian community.  While I am not in the business of selling books, I am in the business of steering our readers in the direction of anything that will benefit them in their Christian walk.

Max, very early in his book, identifies himself as a recovering "prayer wimp."  And immediately we can relate, or even identify with that description.   Yes, I have known and still know there are folks who probably spend more time praying than any other activity in their lives.  This book will not turn you into a prayer robot, but it does introduce us to how simple prayers can be packed with power. 

I remember when Max was teaching on this subject in our church and introduced us to something he called a "pocket prayer."  The description has caught on, and the pocket prayer for most of us prayer wimps is simple yet complete, and the person who wrestles with what to say when talking to God, can come away with a daily 15 second prayer that addresses issues vital to life.  Here is the pocket prayer:


               you are good.

                              I need help. Heal me and forgive me.

                                             They need help.

                                                            Thank you.

                                                                           In Jesus' name, amen.


If, in fact, prayer is a conversation with God, this little prayer is a good start for each of us.  After you pray this pocket-sized prayer, realize its scope.  You have honored God, the Father.  You have recognized your need for his help, seeking his healing and forgiveness.  You have prayed for others. You have expressed thanksgiving to God,   Your prayer has been prayed in Jesus' name.

There is power in a simple prayer.  If your prayer life is small, lacking , or, using Max's description, if you are a prayer wimp, start with your own pocket prayer.  There is nothing to keep us from personalizing a prayer which we can pray several times each day.

There may be days when your heart is inclined to spend more times in prayers of thanksgiving.  There may be nights when you spend sleepless hours praying for forgiveness.  There is always some loved one that is sick, without a job, having family problems, or suffering from emotional disorders.  Remember these people to God in your prayers.  Just a moment of thinking and reflecting will give you  plenty to pray about.

I need this book.  Coupled with the scripture texts on the subject of prayer, perhaps I will not have to remain a prayer wimp.  And please, remember all who through print, online, or any other method of spreading God's message.  We not only need to learn more about prayer, we all need to be remembered in the prayers you pray.  


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