
Monday, October 12, 2015


The last few weeks I have been involved in the beginnings of an extensive Bible study which is to last 30 weeks.  The study was put together by our preacher, Randy Frazee, and carries the title, "Believe."    Randy has come up with 30 of the major topics of the Bible, and each week's lesson is based on one of those 30 topics.

If you frequent any of the online book sellers, you have probably seen the book, "Believe."  It is an arrangement of those scriptures which detail the topic for study. Each week, we read a chapter of the book, which contains those scriptures which help to understand and perhaps learn with deeper understanding, the topic for that week. 

We know "head learning" may be important, but the real blessing comes when we make the application to our personal lives.  It is then when we can learn how the truth of  Scriptures can lead us into a closer relationship with God.

In addition to the "Believe" book, there is a study guide which we use for a weekly small group study.  Study questions are considered and discussed, all with the aim of leading us to be better prepared to understand life, the Bible and its application in our lives.  We are all involved in this study so we can become more like Jesus. 

A sample of the topics include chapters on God, how He is personal to us, Salvation, Our Identity in Christ, and others.  These come from the first 10 of the lessons which will help us to "think like Jesus."  The second 10 lessons teach us to "act like Jesus." Then the remaining 10 lessons direct us to "be like Jesus."

If you are interested in this type of Bible study, give some thought to purchasing the book, available at Christian book stores, or online.  These studies are really good for small groups, as well as personal independent studies. It can begin any time and will become for you, one of the most interesting and valuable studies of your life. 

I will be giving reports as I progress, and will be hoping our readers will investigate the book and study guide, and allow "Believe" to bring you closer to God.  As with any Bible study, read and pray about what you have read.  God bless.

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