
Friday, March 4, 2016

Learning to Share

I'm combining some notes from one of our past studies in the BELIEVE series, with some other notes I had scribbled in the margin of my Bible, and, with this combination of resources I wish to propose that we will each spend some time this weekend in considering some insights about sharing our faith. You are welcome to study this any way you wish.  We will be making three points, so you are welcome to study one per day through the weekend, or study them all together.  Here goes:

1.  The God in which we place our faith desires his followers to share that faith with others.  If we are such followers, believing in God and desiring to follow his ways, trusting our eternal destination in heaven, all because "God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but inherit eternal life."  Through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, we are made clean and our sin-debt is paid.  His blood washes us clean.  Consider the biblical truth in all this, and then consider God's desire for those who follow him, to share the good news with others. There is a section of scripture which describes a vital way the "sharing" of our faith takes place.  Refer back to this scripture as you consider all three points. Acts 2:42  "They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer."  A good way to begin sharing your faith is through praying for those God leads in your direction.

2.  Living your faith is the best way to share your faith.  Perhaps we should mention the Great Commission and its motivation for us to "make disciples of all nations."   (Here is a great time to bring in the verse from Acts 2:42 again.)  And isn't God letting us know that  discipleship is the greatest strategy for evangelism?  No, we don't have to be preachers or elders or Bible teachers. We can be one which God has shown his love and his good news of salvation, and that is reflected by the lives of those who possess that kind of faith.  Preachers will be the first to say your life of faith speaks louder than any sermon.

3.  Speak up about your faith anytime the time is right.  With this one, you must be careful to consider how much concern you have for those who are lost and without Christ. Otherwise, you will constantly be thinking of one excuse or another as to why the time is wrong.  The time is right when you have the opportunity to invite someone to worship with you, or attend Bible class with you, or when you are visiting across the backyard fence, or around the water cooler at work.  Look upon these events as the opportunity God is placing in your hands to make others aware of spiritual realities.   Couple this step with the Acts 2:42 verse, and your prayers for God to give you the words to say. 

Enjoy your weekend, and God bless you for your consideration of reaching out to others who need Jesus.

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