
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Worship and Communion

The weekend is here again, and this weekend is like many other summer weekends. Warmer weather, and lots of activities going on. Some are home from vacation while others are just leaving on their trips. No doubt about it, we do get busy in the summer months and trying to fit everything into a schedule is a job in itself.

I hope this weekend and every weekend, you find some time to spend with God in worship and communion. The time of worship is your opportunity to gather with Christians and experience the closeness of like minds and hearts sending praise and honor to God. Also, of great importance is the time spent in communion, remembering all that Jesus has done for you. 

These events were planned for us since before time began. God loves his people and desires their love and adoration in return. The weekly celebration of communion is a time when we can give our thanks and praise to the one who died for us.  In communion with our Lord, we have a time to inspect ourselves, to attempt to see ourselves as God sees us. It is a time when our reflection on the cross brings us to a personal re-dedication of our commitment to him. 

The bread and the wine, symbols of his body and blood, draw us closer to realizing what it means to have someone die for us. But the love that brought all that to us as a gift, expects our lives to reflect that we are recipients of the forgiveness that Jesus' death brings. 

I hope we can see the power that is unleashed in worship and communion. Two events that we have a tendency to experience with casual participation. But God does expect us to praise him. He is pleased when his children worship him in spirit and in truth. It is when we are right with him in the worship experience that we receive strength to face the difficulties of life that hit us during the week. 

Likewise there is power from our communion experience, too. No one would argue about the power of God which raised Jesus from death. Nor should we doubt the spiritual power that comes alive in us when we celebrate his resurrection each Sunday with our church family, the actual recipients of the benefits of his death, burial and resurrection.
Sing it with me, out loud or just in your hearts, 

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise him, all creatures here below;
Praise him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.


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