
Monday, March 25, 2013

Jesus' last week on earth

Yesterday at church we were listening to a visiting speaker, quite unlike any of the other speakers we hear from time to time. This man was a member of a group called Jews for Jesus. That alone might sound like a contradictory name, especially noting most Jews still hold fast to the old law and the traditions and customs we read about in the Old Testament. There are, however, groups of people with Jewish backgrounds which have come to recognize and proclaim Jesus as the sacrificial lamb whose blood cleanses us from all sin. 

The gentleman speaking gave a step by step detailed description of the Passover Supper observed by Jewish families. There were some things I could remember from previous study on the subject, and some that was quite new and revealing. 

My purpose here today is not to try and explain everything that was taught in that message. I do want to confess to you the study was quite informative and revealing. Many of the traditions and practices we share in the church today had their roots in the event that was being described. If you wish, you may log on to and find the video of this presentation. 

We find ourselves today in a world which recognizes this week as the anniversary of the last week of Jesus' earthly life. Many will be reading from the Scriptures about those events which led up to his death on the cross. Sunday, the Christian world will celebrate the holiday we know as Easter, and the powerful resurrection of Jesus from the grave.

Our blog messages this week will all reference some of those events, and hopefully will give all of us a renewed determination to place our trust and confidence in the saving power of Jesus. We will be looking deeper into the heart of Jesus as he gives his life for us. Various biblical texts will be used to allow us to see the suffering Savior as he is put to death, as well as the resurrection event in which we claim Jesus' blood as the cleansing agent which washes away our sin. 

Perhaps an annual look into these matters is not enough. Maybe, just maybe, we Christians can learn that following Christ is not just a matter of learning about him, but a lifestyle that places us under his direction in every step we take.

Please be in prayer this week, that we may all be drawn closer to the one who loves us enough to die in our place.......the one who actually suffered the pain and torment brought on by our sins......the one  who, by his Spirit, lives inside us to comfort, direct and empower us to be the people of God. 


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