
Thursday, March 12, 2015

What are you reading?

In most of the blogs at this site, I have used direct quotations from Scripture and commented on lessons to learn, ways to grow, commands for God's people, etc.   I really try to keep people close to the Word of God and become regular Bible readers.  When the blog first started, I remember encouraging new Bible students to start reading in the Psalms, and read the entire book.  Lots of folks I know use the scriptures that have been quoted by the preacher during his sermons, and further read and study those verses when they get home.  If we are to really become and sustain ourselves as the people of God, we must maintain a close relationship with the Holy Word, the Bible.

That being said, I am also aware that Christians from all over the world are constantly writing blogs, articles, essays, and even complete books, to inform and encourage us in our Christian living.  This month's Christianity Today magazine carries a section of some religious leaders making recommendations based on the Christian writings that have been a good influence on their personal lives.   Today, I wish to share a few of those with you and encourage you to be aware of some of the good reading material that is available.

Tullian Tchividjian, a Senior Minister from Florida, mentions four books, Living by Grace, The Hammer of God, Who will Deliver Us? The Present Power of the Death of Christ, and Sanctification: Christ in Action.  He then says, "These books have helped me better understand my sin, God's grace, and the distinction between the law and the gospel."

Another Senior Minister, Lee Eclov, from Illinois, recommends Working the Angles: The Shape of Pastoral Integrity.  He states, this book from the 1980's, stood out as helpful and meaningful to his development of the skills needed for pastoral work.

Dave Gibbons, a pastor from California, named the book, The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming.  He goes on to say this book, "Illuminated to me the main movement of life: from a son to a father, from receiving to giving, from just asking to generous blessing.

Kara Powell, a Youth and Family worker, gives us the book title, The Divine Conspiracy: Rediscovering Our Hidden Life in God.  She says, "This classic allows us to learn from the way it offers 'smelling salts' to invigorate spiritual formation."

John Ortberg, pastor from California, brings attention to The Spirit of the Disciplines: Understanding How God Changes Lives.  He says, through this book, "Wonderful windows were opened to me about how spiritual growth actually takes place."

The magazine article includes others, but my intent in this sampling is to let you know some of the resources available to help in your studies and interest of spiritual things.  These are people, who, in their quiet time, reading to learn and also to teach, bring us to a better understanding of their direction of study, as well as their closeness to the Bible's teachings.  They would be in agreement that we all need to be reading Scriptures as well.  These are given to perk your interest in finding a devotional type of book, and add it to your daily reading.  You will be blessed.


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