
Thursday, June 18, 2015

The Mystery of the Missing Cross

The Mystery of the Missing Cross

The estate sale where I had been working for a couple of weeks had lots of ornamental decor, with numerous wind chimes, outdoor planters, and "stuff" from the household that made me think of the days of the old west.  When the sale was over (that's when I do my shopping), I made an offer on some things I wanted to buy.  Among those things was a metal cross which had been displayed in a flower garden. 

I was loading my shelving and tables, along with some of the other merchandise I had purchased.  Realizing I had the truck loaded and would need to make another trip to get the rest, I made a pile of all my purchases on the back porch, including the cross.

When I returned for the remaining load, I noticed the cross was gone. I asked everyone if they had seen the cross or if someone had accidentally placed it somewhere else.  With help from others looking all over the place, the cross was nowhere to be found.

So that's the mystery.  The cross is missing.

There have been lots of crosses, originally made and used for executions.  The slow, agonizing death of one on the cross has been the topic of numerous sermons, as we consider the cross of Jesus.  It happened according to the plan of God to redeem mankind.  Through tears we remember that event of Jesus' death, as he took our place and paid the debt for our sins.

Sitting on that back porch I continued to wonder if someone would intentionally take a cross.  Would they put it in their flower garden and see it daily and reflect on the work of Jesus in giving his life  so we could live eternally?  Or perhaps they would casually appreciate the garden decoration as just another piece of yard ornament?  Do you think as they admired the cross they might even remember the words of "The Old Rugged Cross?"

The incident is forgotten.  I just wanted to share with you my frustration of not having that cross in my flowers, and now it's gone. 

Not gone from my thinking, is the cross of Jesus.  How much love would it take for someone to die for someone else?  And how much love would it take for someone to die for the sins of all mankind?  My heart cannot fathom such love, but the love of Jesus for you and me, and for the rest of humanity took him to Calvary.  His cross is our only avenue to living eternally.  I am so thankful he loves me. 

Alas! and did my Savior bleed And did my Sov’reign die?
Would He devote that sacred head For such a worm as I?


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