
Monday, May 27, 2013

A Day of Memory

Today is Memorial Day. It's a day when we remember. The remembering is to be in honor of all those who have lost their lives while serving our country. Our nation has a long and rich heritage of freedom and we know how expensive freedom can be with lost lives, permanent injuries, mental difficulties, and countless other maladies that plague war survivors. 

The freedom we share with each American is a freedom bought and paid for with the life blood of those dedicated to serve.  It's hard to explain how something like an enjoyable freedom is so closely related to a day of memories which brings sadness and tears. It's the difficulty in explaining that makes the day so special. We come to realize that many of our friends and relatives put their lives on the line because they believed in and continually sought to protect a free America. Some never made it home to experience the fullness of the freedom for which they fought.  So we remember..........

Those of us who are Christians know this freedom we have is similar in lots of ways to the spiritual freedom that is ours because we are God's children. The Christmas story of Jesus' birth and the Easter story of his death, burial and resurrection, bring us to an understanding that someone died so we could be free.  We remember and honor Jesus for giving his life when we worship, commune, and even share his message with others. 

Probably, none of those who have been killed in battles protecting America would ever want their deaths to be likened to the death of Jesus. We all know the sacrifice of Jesus brought eternal results which are manifest in a life of loving service to God and man.

The place where I make the parallel between the death of our military personnel and the death of Jesus is summed up in one word......dedication. The Bible says Jesus "gave his life as a ransom for many."  I thank God that Jesus was dedicated to give his life for me. If Jesus had not died for us, we would have no hope, no assurance of eternal life. 

The dedication of our American service people is also something for which I am thankful to God. They are dedicated to the cause of protecting us from harm, defending the Constitution of our country, and ensuring our citizens can live free.

Do not ever fail in thanking God for who you can become because of the death of Jesus.  And do not ever fail to thank God for those who have given their lives for your freedom. Today we remember them with a national holiday; a pause in our routine for reflection and renewed dedication. Make it a special day by also praying to God your words of thanksgiving for their dedication, and for the freedom you experience every day. Keeping America free is the proof that none of them died in vain. 


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