
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Have and Have-Not

Take a moment today and read the story in Matthew 25:14-30. it's a story that couldn't be considered suspense because the thoughtful reader can just about figure how things are going to turn out.  There was a wealthy man who was about to leave on a journey and he entrusted the safekeeping of his fortune to three of his servants. 

One thing we must understand is there is no unfairness in the amount of his money which he entrusted to his servants. Jesus said they received different amounts, each according to his ability. So one servant received five talents of money, another two talents, and the third received one talent.  The first of the servants took the five talents, put it to work and experienced a gain of five more talents.  The same with the second; he gained two more talents. But the third servant took his one talent and hid it in a hole in the ground just so it would be safe. 

Needless to say, at the return of the wealthy man, he was happy with the first two servants because they had doubled their master's money. The third servant was a disappointment and was called a wicked and lazy servant. His punishment was the loss of the one talent he had been given.

Responsibility over the things entrusted to us is always important. This man's wisdom in passing out the money to his servants was in realizing ahead of time that each of the servants had different abilities. On the day when the master returned the time for accountability had come. The wisdom of the first two servants is seen in their respect for their master, and in preparation for the time to give an account. The third one confessed that his fears had kept him from doing anything other than hiding the talent. He was cast outside, far away from the master who had trusted him. 

While we could see all this coming from the very beginning, there is a vital truth here that even many Christians have not grasped.  Where was your mind focused as the story unfolded?  What was the important part to you?  Most people miss the point of the story because they think it's about money when in reality, Jesus was talking about the kingdom of God. 

Hopefully, that throws a different light on the story for all of us. Jesus was using an illustration about money to show us the valuable importance we should place on things of the kingdom, namely the treasures of God's grace and mercy.  The real message of the parable is those who manifest in their lives a richness of being gracious and forgiving toward others, will receive even more mercy and grace.  Those who are poor in compassion and concern will find themselves lacking . 

The world around us will probably continue to miss the truth of this story. It's a story we should share through example and proclaiming it to others. This is the treasure of the kingdom, entrusted to us. Our lives of love, peace, mercy, meekness and righteousness, will hear the Master say, "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!"  


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