
Friday, September 14, 2012

With God's Help

One of the most exciting stories in the Bible is the story of Nehemiah, and the writing of the book is described in the very first verse as being his memoirs. To set the story, this was at the time when the walls and gates of Jerusalem had been destroyed.  Although Nehemiah was a long way from Jerusalem, his ancestors were buried there.  Because of the desecration of the city, Nehemiah carried the burden of wanting to do something, but knowing he could not accomplish much on his own. 

Nehemiah began his quest with a prayer to the Lord.  Scripture points out to us that the prayers were being prayed by those who honored God and specifically they were praying for success when they went to the king to ask a great favor. At the time, Nehemiah was the cup bearer to the king.

In the following spring Nehemiah was serving wine to the king one day when the king noticed there was something obviously troubling his servant. Upon questioning Nehemiah, the king learned of the wishes for Nehemiah to be a part in the rebuilding of Jerusalem's city walls and gates. The king asked, "What can I do to help? Remember that word "help."  We will see it again. 

Nehemiah told the king of his desire to be sent to Jerusalem, with letters from the king to the leaders of the places through which he must travel. Other letters from the king would be issued so Nehemiah could gather the materials necessary for the construction. The king granted these requests, knowing the hand of God was on Nehemiah. 

On arrival in Jerusalem, Nehemiah surveyed the ruins of the destroyed walls, gathered the religious and political leaders of the city, and told them of his intent to rebuild. They were all in agreement and dedicated to the rebuilding. Scripture inserts right here in the story, "So they began the good work."

Opposition arose from their enemies, even to the point where they were having to keep one hand on the tools they used for rebuilding, and their other hand on their sword or spears. But Nehemiah reminded them, "The God of heaven will help us succeed."

 The story contains the list of all those leaders that worked together, and some that did not. Opposition continued but Nehemiah said, "We prayed to God and he helped us in guarding our city day and night."  When they heard their enemies were going to attack, a trumpet was sounded for a warning, and as Nehemiah said again, "Our God will help us in the fight."

Through all the ups and downs, the wall was completed in fifty two days, and when the enemies and surrounding nations heard the news, they became frightened. They realized that this work had been done with the help of God.

Nehemiah, once a personal servant to the king, left all that behind to go to a faraway place to accomplish a work with God's blessing. He had a passion for prayer, a passion for the Word of God, a passion for his personal renewed devotion, and above all, a heart of sacrificial service.  If those become the priorities in our lives, we are going to see good things happen. God is longing to help us.

God bless, and have a great weekend.  <>

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