
Thursday, September 4, 2014

When revival begins

Is there one thing about being a Christian that seems difficult for you? Take a while and think.  Just one thing you have difficulty doing for the cause of Christ?  Then I wish to ask, do you dwell on this one thing to the point of it causing you to worry that you are the weakest among Christians?

A group of Christian leaders were asked these same questions at a conference several years ago, and it may not be surprising, but an overwhelming majority of these leaders answered exactly the same.  They all had difficulty in talking to strangers or new friends about their faith.

One leader in a local church began telling about his life as a Christian at work.  In the large office where he worked, he was the only follower of Jesus, and was never able to begin a conversation about his church life, or his relationship with God.  He faced situations of ridicule daily, yet it bothered him when he thought about his commission to "make disciples of all nations."  The Christian man would come to work knowing everyone in his office needed Jesus, yet the ridicule and teasing would start, and he would retreat back to himself. 

One day when everyone was arriving for work, he was told of a co-worker whose wife had been diagnosed with a terminal illness.  This co-worker told his story of taking his wife to doctors and clinics in search of something or someone who could save her life.  That's when our friend, the Christian stepped in and began witnessing to his co-worker about the hope that is found in Jesus. They retreated to a break room and prayed together. They prayed for the sick wife, the family's children, their other co-workers.

The Christian man from that office later told of the peace that came over the two as they prayed, and that peace continued as they returned to their respective offices.  Soon, the others began to relate problems or situations in their own lives and confessed they wanted the peace that only God could give. One man was having financial troubles, another was having difficulty with his marriage, and one man even confessed he had taken money from the company.  One thing was common for all who were in that office.  They realized they were depending on their own intelligence, their own strength, and their own abilities to face life's situations and that wasn't working too well. 

One at a time came and asked the Christian to pray with them, for them, and about their personal situations.  I don't know how many problems were handled that day, but revival began in that office. New life was experienced as these workers came to know and follow and obey Jesus.

I confess to you the difficulty I have in sharing my faith and allowing my life to be a testimony of the grace and love of God, but the office story that came from that conference made me aware of two basics.  1.  Just because you are surrounded by unbelievers does not mean you must join the majority.  2.   If you continue to be steadfast in your faith, and hang on to the promises of God, he will open doors of opportunity for you. 

Reaching the world for the Lord, starts with you and me.


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