My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. 2 He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.
Where to better start than with a description of Jesus, his work and ministry of dealing with sin in the life of the believer, and an emphasis on the work of Jesus in being our personal atoning sacrifice? So just two short verses into chapter 2 and we deal with some of the most powerful words of New Testament truth.
John calls us his dear children, an interesting way of bringing an intimate relationship between writer and reader. It becomes apparent to us that John wants us to know of his love and respect toward those who read his words. His desire for us is that we will not sin. While we may have the same desire for ourselves, isn't it refreshing to know John has such a great interest in us that he cares about our spiritual well-being, too. John writes these words knowing that we sinners.
He continues into the inevitable truth that we do sin, by saying in the second half of verse 1, "But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One." Just a few words into verse one and John is letting us know if we do sin, Jesus stands ready to be our advocate before the Father. He is ready to plead our case, standing along side us and speaking on our behalf. Jesus can only do this because he is the Righteous One, the Sinless One. He is Perfection, who is taking our side and addressing the Father, not to just give us a way out, but to forgive our wrongdoing.
Further description of Jesus' work is seen in the 2nd verse, "He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not for only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world." Someone might say, "That's quite a job," but I say, "That's quite a Savior!"
Back in the gospel of John, John teaches us of Jesus being around since the very beginning, and the entire purpose of Jesus' life is to become the sacrifice for our sins. He did that in giving his life on the cross, washing us clean, and bringing us into God's spiritual family. He's not only our Savior, he is our only Savior. In a plan that dates back to the beginning of time, Jesus and his function as Savior, is the only hope for mankind.
When we come to understand the role of God's Son in the scheme to bring followers and believers into relationship with him, we are on track of discovering man's only way to be relieved from the guilt and misery and penalty of sin.
Praise God for the gift of His Son, the Righteous One.
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